Growing in a shared culture of curiosity and adventures
Horses do not need “horses”, they need family.
The understanding of horses and their social needs is up until today not built on the knowledge of the social needs and desires of horses, but on the human need to re-create an image that reflects a social life, not to preserve the horse for their own life, but to compensate for the fact they are living with human. The image may look like a social life, but is not experienced as such. Just like people tend to do in this modern world; we tend to get used to each other, to others, to ourselves, and we ask horses to do the same; getting used to each other, exposing them, sometimes also many times in a lifetime, to unknown others. The possibility to grow in a shared culture of daily curiosity and adventures requires the opposite of trying to fit the horse to species-specific notions of a socialised living together.
To understand the horse, we need to go ‘beyond’ the horse.
On Saturday the 15th, Francesco and Jose will be back with an Online seminar – inspiring – adventurous and life boosting, to get to know a true paradigm shift, from the animal perspective !
They are family:
“A hoof descends on the sandy hillside, raising a cloud of dust and for a moment everything disappears, apart from dark wild manes rising from the grey veil, lifted up in the air by the strong blowing wind. Seconds later both Topazio and Sparta, reappear on the steep ground, while taking a smooth yet razor-sharp turn to sprint back to the other side of the hill, where Topazio’s sisters – Sparta’s aunts – Ninfa, Onda, Marea and brother Fulmine stand on a higher platform, taking in the spectacle of the approaching duo. Pioggia and Falò come up from the lower part of the mountain, and soon they all create a trembling noise while they join in a shared dynamic, warming up for a brand new day of spring, in a shared story of life, in an understanding of a shared life.”