Infinite Worlds
How to see non-human animals as owners of their own life | Jose De Giorgio-Schoorl | TEDxBreda
L’animale come immagine empatica | intervento di Francesco De Giorgio | Pordenone 11 novembre 2017
(Critical) Conference Contributions 2012 -2018
- December 4th, 2018 | Spain, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Conference “Bienestar Equino”
Talk: Coexisting with the Cognitive Horse – a world beyond the equestrian industry
- November 12th, 2018 | Austria, Universität Innsbruck
Human-Animal Studies Lectures
Lecture: Animal Subjectivity – a paradigm change
- September 28th, 2018 | Italy
LAV (antivivisectionist society) Il cavallo per l’uomo. Uno sfruttamento radicato nella Storia (“Horses for mankind, an exploitation rooted in history”)
Talk: Contribution from Francesco De Giorgio
- April 12th, 2018 | Nederland
TEDxBreda 2018
Talk: How to see non-human animals as owners of their own life
- February 10th, 2018 | Italy
OFF-side vol.5 Quantità minime di felicità
Talk: Preservare sé stessi (preserving oneself)
- November 11th, 2017 | Italy
Conference Animalisti FVG: L’animale come immagine empatica (animals as empathic image – modern form of animal exploitation)
Talk: The loss of Animality
- October 27th, 2017 | Sweden, Lund University
The 5th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies
Hosted by the European Association for Critical Animal Studies
Talk: (Interspecies Encounters) Subjects or Tools? The objectification of dogs, and other animals, in the ongoing development of Animal Assisted Interventions
- April 8th, 2017 | Italy, Rome
Al cospetto degli animali (“In the presence of Animals”)
Talk: Discorso sull’animalità fra scienza, filosofia e politica (“About Animality, between science, philosophy and politics”)
- February 4th, 2017 | Italy
OFF-side vol.4 Diritti e Rovesci
Talk: Per una nuova convivenza con l’Animalità (for a new coexistence with Animality)
- June 19th, 2016 | Spain
4th Horses and Human Conference
Talk and Practical experience: The Animal Perspective
- September 29th, 2016 | Portugal
EurSAFE Ethics, Science & Culture
Talk: Animal Subjectivity: evolving ethics in animal studies
- June 29th, 2016 | Italy, Università di Padova
5th Canine Science Forum
Poster: Moving On: Animal Ethics in the Dog-Human society
- November 19th, 2015 | The Netherlands, Open Universiteit Heerlen
Symposium Animal Impact
Plea for nonhuman animals: No one should be born to become someone’s tool or consumption product
- November 17th, 2015 | USA
2015 EQUUS Film Festival
Film contribution: The Horses Point Of View – A journey with the Cognitive Horse
- October 13th, 2015 | Nederland, Wageningen University
Conference Beyond Animal Welfare
Talk: Animal Ethics, Cognition and Subjectivity – A posthuman perspective
- October 6th, 2015 | Portugal, New University of Lisbon
The 4th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies
Talk: The Spontaneous Horse: Understanding what liberation means from the horse’s point of view
- August 10th, 2015 | UK, Exeter University
Moving Beyond the Boundaries: Turning to Face the Nonhuman Animal
Anthrozoology Student Conference 2015
Talk: Protagonists of their own life: Understanding Non-human Otherness
- June 14th, 2015 | Spain
3rd Horses and Human Conference
Talk and Practical experience: The Cognitive Horse
- July 29th, 2014 | Spain
48th International Congress ISAE – Moving On
Poster: Moving on to a new coexistence | Understanding Equine Socio-Cognition in the horse-human relationship, for an ethical coexistence and for the preservation of quality of life
- July 22nd, 2014 | Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine
ISAZ 2014 – Animals and Humans together: Integration in Society
Satellite Meeting on Ethics and Cognition
Poster: Understanding equine cognition and zooanthropology in the horse-human relationship for an ethical coexistence and quality of life
- October 12th, 2013 | Italy
Il Volo di Epimeteo: Giornate Internazionali SIUA
Talk: Contribution from Francesco De Giorgio
Talk: Contribution from José De Giorgio-Schoorl
- December 6th, 2012 | UK
ASAB (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour) Winter Meeting 2012 – Cognition in the Wild
Poster: Equine social cognition: differences in the social exploratory process comparing free roaming and domestic horses
- November 29th, 2012 | The Netherlands
20th Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Society for Behavioural Biology
Poster: Equine social cognition: differences in the social exploratory process comparing free roaming and domestic horses
- November 10th, 2012 | The Netherlands
Paarden Coach Congres
Talk: The Cognitive Horse – A critical view on animal objectification
- July 6th, 2012 | The Netherlands, Utrecht University
MAC2 – Minding Animals Conference Building Bridges between Science, the Humanities and Ethics
Contribution: Study circle discussion: Minding Equines